Getting Greater Impact From Training: Tips for Helping Training Stick
Think back to the last training you attended that you enjoyed. Ask yourself what you most enjoyed about it? Then ask yourself if you can name three key takeaways? Then ask yourself, how many things you can identify that you are doing differently because of what you...
Does How You Like to Travel Create Insight into How You Live Your Life?
This is a time of year when many folks, particularly in the Northern hemisphere are on the move – traveling to either find the snow or escape the cold, visiting family, revisting established traditions or creating new ones. Getting on planes, trains or buses for...
Why Write?
Many of you know that in the last month I wrote my first paper in a very long time, together with a dear colleague, collaborator, co-conspirator and friend, Myriam Khoury. And it felt like a huge accomplishment. It’s been six months in the writing and quite a lot...