
I write regularly on topics and resources that inspire me, disturb me, invite me to see the world differently… I post them here to invite a conversation with others in my community – whether friends, colleagues, peers, clients… I believe that by entering into dialogue and sharing more of what matters with each other we will become more connected, more resilient and ultimately find better solutions to the world’s challenges. Please read and join me in conversation. I will respond to everyone who writes back.

5 Hacks for (Really) Taking Time Off

5 Hacks for (Really) Taking Time Off

We are all are hyper-aware of all the reasons for taking time away from our work and why it is important. I also know that I’m not the only person out there who has had the experience of going ‘on vacation’, and then found all sorts of reasons to justify or explain...

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Using My Dreams to Become a Better Leader

Using My Dreams to Become a Better Leader

This is not a blog about dreams as premonitions or visions – although I googled ‘famous visions in dreams’ as I started writing this post and it is quite a rabbit hole to fall down – (falling down rabbit holes itself being the start of the dream sequence that is the...

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Books That Stick

Books That Stick

Many years ago, when I was working in Indonesia, my boss, who was a bit of contrarian himself, recommended I read The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership, by Steven Sample. I did. And, over 20 years later I still circle back and refer to my key takeaways. One his...

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Networking or Net-weaving?

Networking or Net-weaving?

Several years ago I was about to leave for a conference on innovation in San Francisco when my boss asked me what my plans for networking there were. This threw me into a sense of panic for two, potentially contradictory, reasons.  On the one hand, as a borderline...

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