Do Mistakes Get Easier the Better We Are At Something?
I have recently realized that there is a deep irony in the fact that, the more experience and skilled I get in something, the less concerned I am about making mistakes and being right. If my expertise is questioned in an area where I think I am strong, my tendency is...
Seeing Meetings as Punctuation, Not the Novel Itself
Or… One Big Mistake Many of Us Make When Planning Gatherings, Meetings, Retreats and What We Can Do About It! Many of us have a gut reaction when we are told we need to go to a conference, retreat, work gathering, off-site, or simply an all-day meeting. There...
Why I ask the obvious questions
If I ask you to think of a butterfly, most likely an image pops into your head. Maybe of the butterfly at the end of Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar, maybe a Red Admiral or Cabbage White if you grew up like me in the South of England, maybe a big yellow...