Why Do I Get Up in the Morning?

Why Do I Get Up in the Morning?

Recently I worked with a newly configured team to set a vision for who they want to be moving forward As part of this we explored the question of why this team exists within their organization. To stimulate the conversation we rewatched Simon Sinek’s well known TED...
The Power of “What If…?”

The Power of “What If…?”

Many of my favorite questions to help me get unstuck begin with “What If….”.  “What if I wasn’t so hung up looking for the right solution?” “What if this person isn’t deliberately trying to get under my skin but has something of their own going on?” “What if this...
Halfway Where?

Halfway Where?

I love it when something practical somehow launches me into a series of questions and ponderings. This time it was triggered by thinking about what time of the month to send out a newsletter that I am starting in 2023. I am aware that while my inbox is regularly...
Books of the Year – Top 5!

Books of the Year – Top 5!

What was your favorite read of the year and why? That’s not a rhetorical question! I would love to know so that I can add it to my next year’s reading pile? One of my favorite things about moving in to freelance work has been structuring time for reading ­– for...
Regret vs Anxiety – Who Would Win?

Regret vs Anxiety – Who Would Win?

How do regret and anxiety compare and contrast for you? Which feeling is most familiar to you and most likely to suck you into it’s whirlpool? Which do you have more often? What do these emotions have to teach?  A whole host of these questions have surfaced for...