Many years ago, when I was working in Indonesia, my boss, who was a bit of contrarian himself, recommended I read The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership, by Steven Sample. I did. And, over 20 years later I still circle back and refer to my key takeaways. One his...
Passive vs Proactive Procrastination – and How to Tell the Difference
It’s so ironic that I have been procrastinating on writing a piece about procrastinating! But I’m taking a deep breath and diving in. The motivation for writing this came from my new favorite book (I’d call it my book of the year but that feels a little presumptuous...
What Throws YOUR Mind Completely Off Balance
This is not the article I sat down to write this morning - it's the article about what I do when I get mentally thrown off balance!I wanted to write a piece this week about values. How if we can articulate our own values it can actually help in relating and being more...
Networking or Net-weaving?
Several years ago I was about to leave for a conference on innovation in San Francisco when my boss asked me what my plans for networking there were. This threw me into a sense of panic for two, potentially contradictory, reasons. On the one hand, as a borderline...
Catching Up With Myself
Have you ever arrived somewhere after a long (possibly plane journey) and felt that, while your physical body is present, there are parts of you that are still somewhere else, possibly high over the water somewhere, possibly still lingering at your last destination?...
Do Mistakes Get Easier the Better We Are At Something?
Exploring the irony of how I find it easier to make mistakes the more experienced I get in something.
Why I ask the obvious questions
If I ask you to think of a butterfly, most likely an image pops into your head. Maybe of the butterfly at the end of Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar, maybe a Red Admiral or Cabbage White if you grew up like me in the South of England, maybe a big yellow...
Tips on GETTING feedback
We know (most of us) how stressful it can be to have to give someone a piece of feedback that we or they can perceive as negative or critical. I spend quite a lot of my time, both in coaching and in workshops, exploring what makes it hard to give feedback and learning...
Tips on Finding the Right Coach (for you)
Finding and choosing a coach can feel hard. I’ve pulled together some thoughts and guidelines from my experience of talking to others to help think this through.
Giving it 100%
I’ve been thinking hard about this idea of when and whether we are operating at full thrust or not.. And whether we are awarding ourselves A for effort, or impact or both? I’m also teaching a class at the local university this semester with a friend and colleague...