When is perseverance and ‘bloody-mindedness’ an asset and when would we be better to change course and come again at the goal from a different angle or, possibly drop it altogether?
Never-ending Possibilities
The power of a very simple tool to help us when we are feeling out of ideas and to create a sense of spaciousness.
Pick a Word. Any Word!
I’m always looking for easy ways to get new insights into how I am seeing and showing up in the world. I found this five minute practice very powerful for creating a shift.
The Power of “What If…?”
How and why can asking yourself a question beginning with “What if… ” lead you to a new solution?
When Your Mindfulness Machinery Needs a Service
Tonglen is an ancient meditation practice that originates in Tibetan Buddhism focused on the idea of turning towards and receiving suffering and pain, ‘breathing it in’ and then on the out breath breathing out love and compassion. Pema Chodron writes in a recent...
Metaphorical Waymarkers
When do we need to remember? When do we need to forget? The logo of my business is a cairn - historically a pile of rocks used in celtic and other northern cultures as way-markers to show travelers the path when traversing unfamiliar landscapes. Legend has it that as...