How do we decide what to share about our lives – with others but also ourselves? How does that help or hurt us?
Pick a Word. Any Word!
I’m always looking for easy ways to get new insights into how I am seeing and showing up in the world. I found this five minute practice very powerful for creating a shift.
Why Do I Get Up in the Morning?
Sharing reflections on a short video that inspired me to get back in touch with my ‘why’ for anyone looking for a quick and easy reflection to round off January with!
The Power of “What If…?”
How and why can asking yourself a question beginning with “What if… ” lead you to a new solution?
Halfway Where?
As we close out 2022 and move into 2023 there will be a lot of talk of beginnings and endings but what about those midpoints…?
Books of the Year – Top 5!
What was your favorite read of the year and why? That’s not a rhetorical question! I would love to know so that I can add it to my next year’s reading pile? One of my favorite things about moving in to freelance work has been structuring time for reading – for...
Regret vs Anxiety – Who Would Win?
How do regret and anxiety compare and contrast for you? Which feeling is most familiar to you and most likely to suck you into it's whirlpool? Which do you have more often? What do these emotions have to teach? A whole host of these questions have surfaced for me as...
Muddy Boots
Have you ever come back from a hike, maybe in the middle of spring when the rain torrents still come out of nowhere and the ground is turned to thick gloopy mud? You come back to the car or your house and look down at your boots. They are not so much ‘muddy’ as...
Renewable, Sustainable, Resilient Leadership
I work with the leaders to allow them to create the change that they are seeking without burning themselves out. Just as at a global level we are seeking renewable sources of energy, at an individual level we can find ways of working that don’t leave us exhausted and...